Instant Meditation

Welcome to Instant Meditation

This is a web app I wrote in order to allow for a custom, acoustic, binaural meditation. With most binaural tracks, they are using synth, a different frequency in each ear. Mine allows you to use live sampled quartz crystal bowls and pan them left or right to isolate your choice of pitch/frequency in each ear. All of the samples were taken in the field and/or performed by me. You can use this for personal mediation, yoga classes, sound baths. Its rad.

My name is Shaun Oster. I do allot of things. Most importantly I’m a dad. Then, a drummer/musician. An artist. A programmer. I compose music, sing, play lots of instruments. I cook great food. I roast great coffee. I just try my best to enjoy the ride on this planet, with my kiddo, my girlfriend Ashley, and the people I love.

Press play. The first track will automatically play. I suggest turning it down to halfway on the volume slider. Then as you scroll down slide the volume up on the tracks of your choice. I suggest picking at least 2 bowls and panning one right, panning the other left.

 Find a harmony that feels good to you. You can add dissonance with a 3rd or more bowls. And play with the sliders to live compose different melodies..  Just listen to your body and choose what feels good. Below the bowls are lots of awesome tracks I made. If you use the didgeridoo track, I suggest using the D bowl as your base. 

Have fun and play, it’s a virtual instrument!

NOTE: It does work on phones but its a bit temperamental. Loading allot of tracks at once 😉 
What I found is if you scroll down and keep turning up the volume slider on tracks, one will eventually play.
THEN, refresh and press play and usually the whole thing works. 

Reason #1: 
To help anyone who needs it to relax.

Reason #2
to inspire to you to buy my beautiful mediation tracks. They have helped me through many hard times and I believe can be helpful to you. They feature my drumming, binaural crystal bowls and tuning forks. Some of the samples were painstakingly (but FUN) captured. Such as laying in a creek with 2 mics (way up the mountain trail), alone at full moon midnight gathering frog sounds. Awesome for medicine journeys, or just general de-stressing.


1: Buy my music/meditations. I like them allot! Hope they might resonate with you. 

2: Donate. Anything. Donations inspire me to write more, capture more, create more.

3: Share this page with all of  your friends!  Or buy my album

Crystal Bowl D
Crystal Bowl E
Crystal Bowl F
Crystal Bowl G
Crystal Bowl A
Crystal Bowl B
Fire Crackles
Frog Creek
Mellow Drums